

425 place out of 2810 games


A Ride-To-Earn health and fitness DAPP Users equipped with Bikes move outdoors to earn tokens. The project aims to inspire millions of people to pursue a healthier lifestyle.

Market data

Current price (24H)
$0.000034 -10.8%
BikeRush (brt)
Market cap ?
Fully Diluted Valuation $169,133
24 Hour Trading Vol $6,268.36
Circulating supply ?
Total supply 5,000,000,000
24h High / 24h Low $0.000046 / $0.000031
All-Time High $0.530508 -100.0%
May 24, 2022, 2 years ago
All-Time Low $0.000031 7.8%
Jul 26, 2024, 16 hours ago
Last updated: 5 minutes ago



Nft Crypto Support
  • Devices: Web
  • Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
  • Free To Play Yes
  • Play To Earn Crypto


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