
Chihuahua In Space

1467 place out of 2810 games


Chihuahua In Space is a token to honor and support the most successful Chihuahua in 2022! $CIS Token is created to Play And Earn In the first and only Chihuahua game. Collect Baby Chihuahuas and Earn for saving each of them. Fuel your rocket with $CIS to fly! Story: A Chihuahua Mothership hospital flew from planet Earth, but a terrible thing happened, The Dark Lord Chihuahuha attacked it, and the ship crashed into the black hole. Baby Chihuahuas scattered across Space. Chihuahua Heroes must fly across the universe to find all baby Chihuahuas and save them.




  • Devices: Web, Android, IOS
  • Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
  • Free To Play Yes
  • Play To Earn No


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