

227 place out of 2810 games


CryptoMines is a SciFi play to earn NFT game designed to provide the users with a fun experience by collecting Workers and Spaceships to travel through the universe searching for $ETERNAL, this mineral allows them to live another day and make some profits along the way. CryptoMines aims to be the greatest SciFi game on the blockchain while letting their users enjoy being a part of a vast universe, the thrill of strategic gameplay and of course, earning $ETERNAL.


Market data

Current price (24H)
$0.190211 1.6%
CryptoMines (eternal)
Market cap ?
Fully Diluted Valuation $942,888
24 Hour Trading Vol $24.68
Circulating supply ?
Total supply 5,000,000
24h High / 24h Low $0.191157 / $0.186476
All-Time High $807.58 -100.0%
Nov 25, 2021, 2 years ago
All-Time Low $0.107267 75.9%
Jun 12, 2023, a year ago
Last updated: 6 minutes ago



Nft Crypto Support
  • Devices: Web
  • Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain, Solana
  • Free To Play NFT Required
  • Play To Earn NFT


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