

1055 place out of 2810 games


Roadmap ⚔️ 2021 Q3: The War of the Elements: Outpost (Launched) - Predict, forge battleships, defend the planet and win. ⚔️ 2021 Q4: The War of the Elements: StarCraft. (To be launched by Oct / Nov) Upgrade battleships and fight with players on the same planet to win. Battleships can be upgraded by purchasing or acquiring NFT skills, equipment, and shields to strengthen the attack or defense. Most NFTs are only exchangeable for elemental gems on CryptoPlanet. ⚔️ 2021 Q4–2022 Q2: The War of the Elements: Free Will. (To be launched by Jan 2022) Fight across planets to win. Players are able to participate in individual wars, team wars, free wars and lordship wars. Economic Model of the Elements ? Element Type:5 types. The initial data of the elements are all the same. ? Single Element Data: ? Blockchain: BEP20 (BSC) ? The maximum supply of each gem:10 billion ? Initial Liquidity:10%; 1 billion gems = 400,000 BP; LP tokens will be publicly burned. ? Genesis mining: 0.5%, 50 million gems ? Operation: 1% ? Team Incentives:5%, of which 1% will be unlocked in equal proportion in 5 months where the other 4% will be unlocked in the same proportion according to the amount produced in the game. The remaining proportion will follow the output of the participating game scenes. ? Capping setting: The number of elements that can be exchanged in a single transaction cannot exceed 10 million. ? Genesis Mining: Opened to approximately 15 to 20 well-known projects on BSC such as BiSwap, MyDeFiPet, Mobox, BabySwap, ApeSwap, etc for staking to earn elemental gems.




Crypto Support
  • Devices: Web
  • Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
  • Free To Play Crypto Required
  • Play To Earn Crypto


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