

617 place out of 2810 games


Developed by MoonLabs - a brand new game studio composed of industry veterans - Devikins has an ever-expanding world with a player first mentality. Each playable character in Devikins is a Non-Fungible Token (NFT), which means that each player is the sole owner of a wholly unique playable character in both the Devikins universe and real world. In addition, players can keep their collection of characters fresh and aim for the strongest, most competitive character possible via the breeding system. DVK can be purchased in Klever Wallet / Klever Exchange

Market data

Current price (24H)
$0.00036264 7.7%
Devikins (dvk)
Market cap ?
Fully Diluted Valuation ?
24 Hour Trading Vol $1,798.85
Circulating supply ?
Total supply ?
24h High / 24h Low $0.00036274 / $0.00032647
All-Time High $0.110027 -99.7%
Sep 27, 2022, a year ago
All-Time Low $0.00023973 51.3%
Jul 16, 2022, 2 years ago
Last updated: 19 minutes ago



Nft Crypto Support
  • Devices: Android, IOS
  • Blockchain: TRON
  • Free To Play NFT Required
  • Play To Earn NFT & Crypto


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