

855 place out of 2810 games


Dogyrace is a dog racing platform based on the Binance smart chain where you can buy NFT Dogs, host races in NFT canodromes for a actual profit, bet on races and compete to be the best. Are you ready? DogyRace is different from the rest of NFT Games. Why? because we try to join the world of betting with the security and transparency of NFT and cryptocurrencies, this way everything is easier and safer for our DogyRace´rs Cards You can enjoy different types of cards to improve your dogs, feed and train them to give the best performance in the races and improve your level. Different types Each dog has different abilities such as strength, speed, endurance, appearance, weight, breed and this way you can keep them in good physical shape

Market data

Current price (24H)
$0.000083 0.0%
DogyRace (dor)
Market cap ?
Fully Diluted Valuation $8,332.8
24 Hour Trading Vol $6.17
Circulating supply ?
Total supply 100,000,000
24h High / 24h Low ? / ?
All-Time High $0.067699 -99.9%
Dec 16, 2021, 2 years ago
All-Time Low $0.000082 2.0%
Jul 25, 2024, 2 days ago
Last updated: a day ago



Nft Crypto Support
  • Devices: Web
  • Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
  • Free To Play NFT Required
  • Play To Earn NFT & Crypto


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