Pegaxy is a play-to-earn PVP style horse racing game where players compete for top 3 placement against 11 other racers. Each race has randomised elemental variables which include wind, water, fire, speed and more. Using strategic upgrades, food and skill, players must place in the top 3 to earn the platforms utility token, VIS (Vigorus). Within the game, players are able to breed, rent, sell, and of course race their Pega to earn VIS tokens. This system has proven to be a sound long-term economic approach when building an NFT/Blockchain based game as it enables teams to build large guilds, scholarship programs, and even provides solo players the opportunity to earn a second income through daily racing. The initial sale of 5,000 Founding Pega was held in October 2021, alongside the PGX launch via IDO in November. The first 5,000 Pega were dubbed "Founding" Pega as they were the only ones created by the Pegaxy Development team. Every Pega after #5,000 has beeen minted (created) through the breeding model inside the game.